Othello houston grand opera
Othello houston grand opera

othello houston grand opera othello houston grand opera

His Opera work includes Madama Butterfly for Houston Grand Opera and Chicago Lyric Opera, Le Nozzi de Figaro for Glyndbourne and Houston, Don Giovanni for the Met and this new San Francisco production of Billy Budd, which has also been seen at Glyndbourne and BAM in New York. He has also directed the feature film Genius with Colin Firth for MGC.

othello houston grand opera

Michael Grandage is Artistic Director of the Michael Grandage Company (MGC) where he has directed numerous productions in the West End and on Broadway including Aidan Turner in The Lieutenant of Inishmore, Nicole Kidman in Photograph 51, Jude Law in Henry V, Daniel Radcliffe in The Cripple of Inishmaan and Judi Dench & Ben Whishaw in Peter and Alice.

Othello houston grand opera